Friday, October 18, 2013

Week in Review: Letter L

This week, we worked on letter L.

From Reading the Alphabet by This Reading Mama we did all the activities for the word "for." It worked out that this week we were doing both the word "for" and the letter L so I didn't have to download two different weeks! Little Man didn't want to do a poke page this week, so we used stickers:

This week, after we read the pocket chart book together (our pocket chart still isn't hung up yet), I let him match the words with the pictures. This really helped him for when he built the letter L book by himself.

For the rhyming activity this week, I cut the pictures out in strips and let him cut them apart. He really liked that. He so wants to cut things out and "make a puzzle." We're working on diagonal and curved cuts so we can do this.

We  also did the print awareness activity. This is a good thing for his age because he is learning where to go when he gets to the end of a line.

For math this week, we focused on graphing. I got this great idea for graphing from The Measured Mom. It was for Transportation Graphing. She got it from I Can Teach My Child. Since Little Man is so into transportation and construction vehicles, I figured this would be a good thing for him. Ironically, all three of us had the same number of boats and planes.

Since L was for leaf, I purchased a pack of leaves from the dollar store and let Little Man sort them. He started by making a pattern:

Then I directed him to put them into groups:

I was trying to find a math activity to start the week that used the letter L. That's when I remembered that 3 Dinosaurs had just recently released a Leaves Pack! So I downloaded the roll and graph. The first day we did up to 10. By Friday, I let him try it on his own to 5 and he had a ton of fun trying to get all of the icons up to the number 5. We had never done a roll and graph before, so this was a good experience for him. He had to throw his die onto the floor to get a result that wasn't the same thing every time and once he started doing that, oddly enough, his graph was pretty statistically correct!

Other Printables Used This Week:
Confessions of a Homeschooler
Letter Writing and Letter Hunt Worksheets -- From her K4 Curriculum! Wish I could buy the whole thing!

Royal Baloo
Dot the Ls and Paste the Limos -- From her Zoomin' Movin' Alphabet series! We love it!

Alphabet Mazes -- Since Little Man didn't want to do poke pages this week.

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