Saturday, November 9, 2013

Shut-In Saturday Week 6: Crazy Blessings

How has it already been 6 weeks of being shut-in?

This week has had some pretty crazy stuff happen. First of all, I was helping Little Man make his bed and I happened to glance underneath the front corner next to the nightstand. I see used tissues under his bed. So I proceed to make him dig them ALL out. This is what I found:

Yeah, pretty much for the past 6 weeks, he has been shoving his used tissues behind his bed. This is about a box worth, I would say.

Then Princess decided to sit up almost by herself!

MeMe was playing "sit-em-up" with her and every time she sat up, she would latch on to MeMe's finger. Save for the mouth on her finger, Princess was sitting all by herself!

Then Wednesday was the nephrologist appointment. You can read about why it was crazy here, along with the other crazy nightmare things that happened this week. But on the way back from that appointment, I got this picture of Little Man:

Later that day, he got to do his favorite thing of the week: bring in the trash can! He likes the trash can here because it "shrunk" and he can bring it in by himself. This happens every week, but I finally managed to get a picture of him doing it!

Then I managed to get Little Man to write his letter to Santa:

You can read more about it here.

Then this evening I caught this little blessing:

Little Man was reading to his little sister! I promise a post tomorrow or Monday on the blessings that occurred this week, because there were a few. But until then, here's a few more pictures of Princess. Here's one of her loving on her sock monkey:

And then just another one of her:

Until next week!

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