Saturday, November 2, 2013

Shut-In Saturday Week 5: Halloween!

This week, Princess turned 7 months old! (How did that happen?) It's hard to believe that this journey started 7 months ago. She's eating foods. She's rolling over from her tummy to her back. She's sitting up supported. She's very curious. She's putting things in her mouth.

We decided to try her in the walker. We knew her feet wouldn't touch the ground, but thought that it might give her a different perspective on things. She did really well in it and enjoyed it. She's pretty close to outgrowing the swing and bouncy seat, so we needed something other than her being held and laying on the floor.

This week was Halloween. So Little Man and I carved his pumpkin.

Princess wasn't going to get to go to our church's Harvest Festival, so I didn't even bother buying her a costume. Instead, I bought her a onesie.

And I didn't even have to buy Little Man a costume either! See, last year, he wanted to be a dump truck. I had no idea what I was going to do when I found a Chuck the Dump Truck costume at one of the Halloween Stores! This year, he wanted to be a dump truck again, so we recycled the Chuck costume!

Little Man actually did a really good job with no nap that day. He went with me early to help decorate and played the games. The great thing about the Chuck costume is that it came with a built in the treat bag: the dumper! So I didn't have to worry about him losing his treat bucket! But about 6:30 he was tired and hungry. He'd had a few pieces of candy and that was it. So I took him home. Of course, he started crying because he didn't want me to go back, but I got him settled down, got him his dinner and checked on Princess. She was having a bottle with Pops.

Harvest Festival went well. We didn't have nearly has many kids as last year, but it rained last year and we were the ONLY one doing something on Halloween that was INSIDE. Everyone else's outside stuff got cancelled. So this year, we kind of had a steady stream up until I did our drawing halfway through. Then most of them left.

Then there was today. We managed to put a bow in Princess's hair! This is the first time she's kept anything on her head for any length of time since she came home from the hospital (the first time).

Doesn't she look cute? One of my church friends made all these bows for her that would attach to headbands but then would also work in her hair as she got older. I'm so glad she kept it there for a while.

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