We're still working on our handwriting, like the last update post here. I've also been pulling stuff from 3 Dinosaurs and Royal Baloo. Mainly their "Jump In" and "Build Up" summer units. The "Jump In" series is last year and the "Build Up" is this year. It's still in the process of being released. I wish I would have looked into these beforehand! They are GREAT! Here's what's in them:
There's a word family page. Sometime we do a page if I'm teaching a word family. We will also use the Read 'n' Stick mats from The Measured Mom.
We also put them on a page in our Word Family Dictionary from This Reading Mama.
Then there is some type of math/language arts page. We've done this one on the penny. I know Little Man KNOWS his change, but it seems to come and go sometimes.
We've also done a page on the parallelogram. Little Man wanted to color ALL the shapes at the bottom so we had decided he would color the parallelograms blue and the other shapes a different color. We've also done a page on rhyming words and we're going to do one on syllables.
The fourth page is a math page. We've done adding and subtracting. There's other things I'm going to introduce and teach like time and fact families over the next few months.
I've also purchased one of those Summer Bridge workbooks. This one is for K to 1st. I'm pulling pages in order and letting him use our page protector to do them. This way, if we have to do them again later, we can! I'm also kind of using this to see what I still need to touch on because the book is supposedly correlated to the new Common Core State Standards.
I also signed him up for our library's summer reading program! So far, he and I have read 25 books together. There are a few of them he has read by himself which is still WAY impressive! We only signed up a week ago too! I'm not sure how long the program runs, but I'm sure we'll have a LOT of books read by the end!
The other thing we have for him is a simple word search book. He still needs help, but he does pretty well with it. I know the picture is blurry, but he is trying to do it himself! We got it at the dollar store and all the words are either across or down. There's no diagonal or backwards words, so it's a perfect first step for him!
So I'm debating on enrolling him in transitional kindergarten this year. For one, I don't know if they'll have a spot for him. Secondly, I'd really like him in a charter school, but I don't know our chances of getting in. Thirdly, I'm debating just enrolling him in kindergarten the year he should start and then letting THEM see that he's too advanced for K. I mean, really, the only things he has to work on his handwriting, which we are doing. And according to their benchmarks, by the end of the year, he needs to be able to write a sentence narrative. (HUH? When did K become 1st grade?) Well, we can hit both of those through his journal. In fact, he does well creating sentences on his little computer! Now I've just got to get him to hand write them!
So I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this kid. He's just too dang smart but needs the socialization. Anyway, here are the links to the worksheets we're using
Links We've Used:
Build Up to Summer Learning (3 Dinosaurs and Royal Baloo -- the link is to 3 Dinosaurs, but some links will take you to Royal Ball. They partnered on this!)
Jump In to Summer Learning (3 Dinosaurs and Royal Baloo -- the link is to 3 Dinosaurs, but some links will take you to Royal Baloo. They partnered on this!)
Read 'n' Stick Mats (The Measured Mom -- These are under word families. I'm not sure how up-to-date her list is, but I think she said her site is going to be redesigned soon.)
Word Family Dictionary (The Measured Mom but written by This Reading Mama)
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