Wednesday, August 12, 2015

My Three Favorite Book Quotes

To continue with the book theme this month (along with the Blogger Book Drive), here are my three Favorite Book Quotes.

Oh how I love this quote from "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets." I wanted to frame it and put it next to my behavior chart in my classroom when I was teaching. It is so true in most instances. I think of our own journey. My own choices have shown, even to myself, who I really am. And the choices of those around us have shown their true colors as well.

Having been a preemie and having a preemie, this quote from "Horton Hears a Who" resonates with me so much. And now that Princess is growing, you still see the same personality and attitude she had when she was in the NICU. She was so "feisty." And even now, she's so stubborn and head strong.

Normally I wouldn't like a quote said by the villain in a story, but this quote by President Snow is SO true! Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. I have had to rely on hope so much sometimes and sometimes it was the only thing that would get me through the day. This is one I still live by. When my life becomes consumed by fear, I rely on hope and faith to get me through.


  1. I LOVE your picks! And I love that you made little graphics for them! A lot of you guys did that and now I wish I had too, hahah! Thanks for sharing and spreading the word on The Blogger Book Drive! :)

    1. Didn't make them. Google Image stole them! But thanks anyway!


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